Search Help

  • By default you search in an article's title, abstract and list of authors. In addition there are special methodological keywords that were previously counted in the full texts (see below). The basic search does not distinguish between full words and parts of words. For example, if you want to search for articles about asymmetric information, you could enter the term asymmetr information. You then would equally well find articles whose title or abstract contains 'information asymmetry' or 'asymmetric information'
  • Use double-quotes to find exact phrases. For example, searching for climate change finds articles that contain the words 'climate' OR 'change'. Search for "climate change" if you only want to list articles whose abstract or title contains the phrase 'climate change'.
  • Try to avoid common words like the,a,is etc. This will probably return almost all articles since those words (or letter sequences) can be probably be found in almost all abstracts.
  • If your search term is entered in lower case, also upper case occurences in the abstract or title will be matched, but not the other way round. Method keywords like IV will be just matched to upper case when stored as uppercase in our method list even if entered in lower case.

Search Terms as URL Parameter

You can now also provide search terms as URL parameters. This can e.g. be useful as a bookmark to get an update about new articles with data supplement for areas you are interested in. For example, the following link shows the newest articles that contain the terms energy and climate change,"climate change"&sortby=date
If you leave out the sortby=date, you get the most relevant hits for your search phrases. Try out:,"climate change"
That might be useful for sharing links with other people.

Special methodological keywords

For most articles, but not from all journals, I have parsed the full texts for certain methodological keywords. You can also type those keyword in the search field (case-sensitive and quotes for multi-word keywords). The following table shows the keywords and the string matching patterns that yield one count. You can also click on a keyword shown below an article in the search results to add it to the search phase.
KeywordPatterns matched in full texts (leading spaces omitted)
ATE ATE, average treatment effect
cointegrationcointegrat, co-integrat
conditional logitconditional logit
credible intervalcredible interval
cross validationcross validation
DIDdifference-in-difference, DID, DiD, DD, difference in difference, differences-in-difference
field experimentfield experiment
fixed effectfixed-effect, fixed effect
GMMGMM, generalized method of moments
IVinstrumental variable, instrument
lab experimentlaboratory experiment, laboratory study, lab experiment, experimental laboratory
LATE LATE, local average treatment effect
machine learningmachine learning
MLEMLE, maximum likelihood
multiple testingmultiple testing
natural experimentnatural experiment
nonparametricnonparametric, non-parametric
panel datapanel data
placebo testplacebo test
posteriorposterior distribution
potential outcomepotential outcome
random effectrandom effect
random forestrandom forest
RCTRCT, randomized controlled trial
RDDregression discontinuity, RD
synthetic controlsynthetic control
time seriestime series
weak instrumentweak instrument

Accessing Articles

Most search results provide a link to the article on the journal homepage. If your institutition has not subscribed to the journal, you can probably buy a single article or try searching for the article name in your favorite search engine. In economics, freely accessible working paper versions can often be found. For most (but not all) journals, the data and code supplements are freely accessible to everyone. If the data and code supplement is on another page (e.g. on Dataverse), a link is added to the search results.

Journal Abbreviations

  • aejmic: AEJ Micro
  • aejpol: AEJ Policy
  • aejapp: AEJ Applied Economics
  • aejmac: AEJ Macroeconomics
  • aer: American Economic Review
  • aeri: AER Insights
  • ecta: Econometrica
  • jaere: Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
  • jeea: Journal of the European Economic Association
  • jep: Journal of Economic Perspectives
  • jpe: Journal of Political Economy
  • ms: Management Science
  • pandp: AEA Papers and Proceedings
  • qje: Quarterly Journal of Economics
  • restud: Review of Economic Studies
  • restat: Review of Economics and Statistics


This is an R Shiny app to search for economic articles that have provided data and code for replication purposes.

The main feature is a keyword search in the article's titles and abstracts. It returns a list with links to the articles on their journal websites and some estimates of the sizes of data files and relevant code files. By default only articles are included that have a data or code supplement.

This can be used e.g. for teaching economics and data science. For example, my students can use the app to find an interesting topic for a Bachelor or Master Thesis in form of an interactive analysis with RTutor .

I also tried to find and extract a README file from each supplement. Most README files explain whether all results can be replicated with the provided data sets or whether some results require confidential or propietary data sets. The link allows you to look at the README without the need to download the whole data set.

The underlying database contains information about articles and data supplements collected for the AEA journals (including the American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Perspectives, AEA Policy, ...), the Review of Economic Studies, and the Review of Economic and Statistics.

There are also smaller samples from the QJE, the JPE,JPE, JEEA, Econometrica and the JAERE. I guess these samples get larger if data availability policies become similar effective as those of the AEA journals.

If you want to analyse yourself the collected data, you can download the zipped SQLite databases using the following links:

If you search for replication studies, check out the Replication Wiki, a spreadsheet of replication studies on the Replication Network, or the Institute for Replication. These great sites also feature very helpful additional material and links releated to replication, e.g. teaching ressources or blog posts.

You can also check out some interactive replications with an educational focus in form of RTutor problem sets.